Entries by Betsy Thibaut-Stephenson

Why Do Dogs Stare at People?

Dog owners, have you ever wondered why your dog stares at you? Are they curious? Concerned? Attempting to impart information? Yes, to all of the above. Learn more here.

Digital Tools Mean Faster Answers From Your Veterinarian

Digital Tools Mean Faster Answers From Your Veterinarian   Technology that enables monitoring and diagnostics can serve as the voice for animals who otherwise cannot communicate how they are feeling. For instance, smart collars help owners understand their animals’ typical behavior patterns such as exercise or feeding levels, which allows them to take action when […]

Pets & Our Mental Health

Anxiety, depression, loneliness. The headlines are filled with reminders of the sad state of America’s mental health. Yet animals are an effective antidote to these emotional ailments. Read more here.

Twenty Percent of Dogs Experience Some Form Ear Disease

The shape of dogs’ ear canals makes them more susceptible to ear infections, which can be caused by bacteria, yeast, or ear mites. Dog owners may notice head shaking, scratching, or discharge that indicate an infection. Your veterinarian can relieve the pain and prevent the spread of infection. Unfortunately, most treatments involve touching the affected […]

Why Do We Love Our Pets?

It’s no secret, people love their pets. The human-animal bond is stronger than ever before, but have you every wondered why? While cuteness and fun are important, they don’t account for the deep attachments we feel for our pets. Psychologists have studied the love between humans and animals, which is detailed here.

Healthy Animals Are More Sustainable

  The health of all animals is inextricably linked to the wellbeing of people and planet. Healthier animals need fewer natural resources, allowing them to provide more food, labor, fertilizer, companionship, and assistance for less feed, water, and land. Their contribution is central to efforts toward achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) […]

The Benefits of Pets

  We’re happier and healthier when we’re around animals—it’s been scientifically proven. With 95% of dog and cat owners considering their pets part of the family, it’s no wonder the human-animal bond is stronger than ever before. Learn more about the many ways pets enhance our lives.

Arthritis in Dogs, a Painful, Progressive Condition with No Cure

  Older dogs, large breeds, and overweight dogs are all prone to arthritis, a joint disease that results in pain, inflammation, decreased range of motion, and the development of bone spurs. While any joint in the body can develop osteoarthritis, the condition most commonly affects the limbs and lower spine. Symptoms are not often apparent […]

Celebrate International Cat Day

If you know, you know. Proud cat owners understand the benefits of their feline companions, but in case you have your doubts, check out these benefits of cat ownership as we celebrate International Cat Day.