SCIENCE ALERT: When It Comes to Dog vs Cat Brains, Science Might Have Found a Clear Winner

Ever since humanity split into dog and cat people, we’ve been arguing over which one of our beloved companions is a smarter species. A study from 2017 mightn’t be the last word on the matter, but for those who think more neurons means more intelligence, it looks as if dogs stand out among carnivores for […]

UW–MADISON NEWS: Veterinarians, physicians to jointly explore links between animal and human health

A physician, a veterinarian and a PhD researcher walk into a conference. At the event’s conclusion, the medical doctor says: “I had no idea there were veterinary cardiologists like there are human cardiologists.” This interaction occurred at a translational health summit coordinated by the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine in 2018 on the […]

WRAL: Unexpected foods that are toxic to pets

The summer season means excitement, travel and most of all delicious foods gracing our tables. With so many tasty treats to be had this summer, you would be forgiven if you are inclined to give Fido a nibble or two from the table. But owners beware, some summer treats aren’t just unhealthy — they can […]

BOVINE VETERINARIAN: FDA Issues Warning About Compounded Equine Medication

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has linked at least three horse deaths to the use of a compounded drug product containing pyrimethamine and toltrazuril. Rapid Equine Solutions, LLC of Aston, PA, compounded the product, which was labeled as containing toltrazuril 416 mg/ml and pyrimethamine 17 mg/ml, packaged in 60 ml oral paste syringes for […]

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Rabies Kills Tens of Thousands Yearly. Vaccinating Dogs Could Stop It.

Seven young men sprinted down paths, darting behind houses and vaulting low walls. Each one carried a long-handled net. From yards, alleys and streets the din of canine outrage filled the air, announcing the invasion of the neighborhood. Some dogs hid, others retreated a bit before resuming their chorus of barking. The most wary fled […]

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Five Things to Know About Rabies

Nearly 60,000 people a year die from rabies around the world. The cause is almost always a bite by a rabid dog. Most of the deaths are in Africa and Asia. In Western Europe, the United States and other countries, the rabies variant that lives in populations of dogs has been eradicated, but people can […]

KOLD NEWS 13: Tucson ranks among the top 25 ‘best cities’ for pets

Residents in the Old Pueblo have long known how ‘pet friendly’ the city is and this newest ranking from Mars Petcare just confirms it. According to a news release from Mars Petcare, the certification, created with assistance from the Civic Design Center, honors the work by the cities to create a friendly environment for both […]

DROVERS: Animal Health Influences Human Health

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 75% of emerging infectious diseases of people are zoonotic, or originated with animals. Besides their effects on animals, those diseases can pose a health risk to farm workers through animal contact, and potentially to the public overall, either through contact with animals or disease […]

WAFB 9: ASPCA offers tips to keep pets safe during severe tropical weather

As severe weather intensifies and rapidly approaches the Gulf Coast, the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is offering lifesaving expert tips on keeping animals safe during a disaster and urging residents in the pathway of Tropical Storm Barry to include pets in their evacuation plans. Tropical Storm Barry is expected […]

FEEDSTUFFS: Global beef industry teams up on antibiotic stewardship

U.S. ranchers have spent decades investing in ways to provide safe, affordable beef that meets consumer demands. Their efforts include antibiotic stewardship and sustainability standards, and they’re not alone. Beef producers across the world work to raise cattle in differing environments. “When it comes to sustainability, there’s no one size fits all,” Ruaraidh Petre, executive […]