Entries by Marie Gilmore

Idaho Fish and Game uses specially trained K9s to investigate wildlife crimes

The dog days of summer may be over, but for six-year-old black lab Dexter— one of Idaho Fish and Game’s K-9s — that suits him just fine. Fall brings on one of the busiest and most exciting times of year for this eager sleuth and his partner, District Conservation Officer Tim Klucken of Pocatello, as […]

Survey Says We Could Not Survive This Pandemic Without Pets

Many other pet owners seem to agree. A recent survey conducted on behalf of Zoetis Petcare has found that 72 percent of pet owners believe they would not be getting through this mess without their pet(s). The survey was done with dog and cat owners specifically, but I’m sure fish, birds, reptiles and livestock have […]

Pets boosting morale during coronavirus pandemic, study says

FOX NEWS – All the time spent together with pets has 7 in 10 pet owners feeling like they actually know their pet a lot better since the pandemic began, according to new research. Many have noticed some behavioral changes, too — 6 in 10 respondents, to be exact, said they’ve noticed their pet acting […]

Happy as pigs in mud: Harrisburg girl navigates disability with assistance pet

Hannah Hartley’s just like any other 10-year-old with a pet. The two are inseparable: They share a room, play outside and unwind on the couch together. Hannah feeds her beloved Stormcloud — Stormy, for short — plenty of treats, provides ample belly rubs and picks up after her droppings during walks. But Stormy’s no dog. […]

USDA and Maine CDC team up to distribute rabies vaccines in the wild

AUGUSTA, Maine — Oral rabies vaccine baits will be distributed in northeastern Maine beginning on or about Aug. 3 through Aug. 7 as part of ongoing, cooperative rabies control efforts aimed at reducing the spread of raccoon rabies in Maine. Approximately 385,000 ORV baits targeting raccoons will be distributed by air and ground over a […]

Amazing benefits to seniors having pets

Pets bring much joy to the lives they touch. So it should come as no surprise that the 2019-20 National Pet Owners Survey, which was conducted by the American Pet Products Association, found that about 85 million families in the United States own a pet. In Canada, 7.5 million households are home to companion animals, […]

Atlanta Vet Talks about Pets and COVID-19

Dr. Lance Hirsh claims there’s no need to fear pets will contract the virus or pass it to their owners because the incidents are quite low. Concern spread quickly in April when COVID-19 was identified in a Malayan tiger, followed by two African tigers and three African lions at the Bronx Zoo in New York. […]

What a dog did for us: In praise of coronavirus lockdown pet adoption

Is it okay to point out something good stemming from this pandemic? Pet adoptions are way, way up. It seems everyone and their uncle is getting one, even people who never thought they might. Continue reading at Daily News Photo Credit: Barry Williams for New York Daily News