Animal Health Needs Are Always Changing, Which Makes Innovation Necessary

Viruses change, bacteria change, parasites change. To help our animal friends, medicines must also change.

Have You Ever Heard a Horse Cough?

With lungs almost twice the size of cattle lungs, horses have extremely large respiratory reserves. Unfortunately, horses are also susceptible to respiratory diseases that fall under the spectrum of equine asthma, such as recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) and inflammatory airway disease (IAD). Environmental factors such as pollen, poor air quality, and organic dust can irritate […]

Digital Technologies, a Revolution in Animal Health

Tools that recognize the first signs of changes in animal health help veterinarians and animal owners take quick action to address illnesses. Digital technology such as thermal cameras, sound sensors, and RFID tags track vital signs like eating, movement, rumination, temperature, and fertility across thousands of animals. A report from HealthforAnimals details the benefits of […]

Parasites in Animals: The Best Treatment is Prevention

Climate change has allowed parasites to spread to new regions, posing a significant threat to global livestock. New methods of flea and tick control can slow the spread of these parasites while also address challenges of parasite resistance. Learn about innovations in parasite control.

Fleas and Ticks and Climate Change

Changes in weather and climate have led to changes in how we manage parasites like fleas and ticks. Learn about the animal health industry’s efforts in this space.

Healthy Animals, Healthy Future

The Animal Health Institute has launched a new campaign that highlights the connection between animal health, improved sustainability, reduced emissions, and a stronger, safer, food supply chain. Healthy Animals, Healthy Future showcases unmet animal health needs, one species at a time. The animal health industry is committed to developing therapies that reduce animal suffering and […]

The Digital Age of Animal Health

Scientific advances and emerging technologies provide greater opportunities to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat animal illness more quickly, accurately, and safely. Veterinary researchers and developers continue to break new ground in reducing disease spread and its impact; read more here.

Walking the beat with Los Angeles’ Street Vet

Life on the streets can be extremely difficult for America’s homeless. Many are unsure where they will sleep tonight or their next meal. Some are mentally ill, others victims of dire circumstance. In many cases, a pet is a homeless person’s only solace. According to a 2015 report in the journal, Child Psychiatry & Human Development, […]

Heeling House Dogs Help Student De-Stress

Heeling House, a Sterling nonprofit, is becoming increasingly popular among high school students as they provide service dogs to help students de-stress. The nonprofit aims to improve the lives of special needs children through visits with therapy dogs, but its mission has evolved to help all students in the community. Established in 2014, Heeling House […]

Keep Your Pet Healthy & Safe in the Warm Weather

Summer shepherds in the opportunity for outdoor fun for pets and people. Your pets depend on you to keep them hydrated, safe from pests, and comfortable when the temperature swings too high. Get the latest warm weather tips from the American Veterinary Medicine Association.