Smart tags for animals can help veterinarians stop the spread of disease

  The digital technology in smart tags and sensors enable earlier diagnostics and targeted treatments, potentially restricting illnesses to single animals before they spread throughout herds. These devices can also provide consistent, real-time evaluation of livestock. Learn more here.

We Keep 10.5 billion animals healthy

    The animal health industry serves nearly 400 million companion animals and more than 10 billion food-producing animals. Animal health products help domestic, farm, and performance animals, including dogs, cats, cattle, poultry, swine, and horses.

10 Benefits of Having a Dog

Weighing up the pros of having a dog? Here’s 10 ways it could improve your life. Most of us love dogs. In fact, 63% of households own a dog, according to the 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). This has steadily increased over the years and was helped […]

Seven things to keep your pet healthy

Our pets do so many things to help us – they provide comfort, lower our blood pressure, keep us entertained and social. Make sure you’re doing all you can to help your pet. Here are seven things to keep your pet healthy.

Have you ever heard a horse cough?

With lungs almost twice the size of cattle lungs, horses have extremely large respiratory reserves. Unfortunately, horses are also susceptible to respiratory diseases that fall under the spectrum of equine asthma, such as recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) and inflammatory airway disease (IAD). Environmental factors such as pollen, poor air quality, and organic dust can irritate […]

Dogs Are Coming Back to the Office With Their People

WASHINGTON — During the coronavirus pandemic in the United States, millions of people adopted dogs for comfort and companionship, and because they had the time to care for them at home since they were not commuting to work. As many companies reopen to a hybrid work schedule — allowing their employees to work both at […]

Love your pet? Visit the vet

Animals rely on us to protect them from threats of disease and safeguard their wellbeing, and veterinarians are essential to helping pet owners keep animals healthy. Learn more.

Better diagnostics means better animal care

Accurate diagnostics curb the severity of animal disease by enabling more effective treatments and reducing the need for antibiotics. Microfluid technologies can bring diagnostics to the point of care. Analyzing extremely small volumes of fluid improves the chance of early detection and reduces the cost of care. Read more here.

Like part of the family

Research continues to reinforce what pet owners know: their animal companions can feel like part of the family. The human animal bond is stronger than ever before, and for good reason: owning pets provides emotional and physical benefits. Learn more.

Think your cat has a sweet tooth? Think again.

If you’ve ever wondered why your cat doesn’t lunge for your favorite cookie, it’s because most cats don’t crave sweets. Cats’ tastebuds are surprisingly different than humans. Learn all about your cat’s taste buds.