Why Older Adults’ Best Investment Might Just Be A Puppy

Owning a pet can help people age better and keep their minds sharp. Having a pet is not only fun for older adults–it can actually benefit your health. There’s evidence that people experience aging better when interacting with animals. “Scientifically documented benefits of the human-animal bond include decreased blood pressure, reduced anxiety, and enhanced feelings […]

Novel approaches to preventing & treating infections can reduce the need for antibiotics

Alternatives to antibiotics target bacteria in a similar manner as antibiotics to cure bacterial infection. The animal health sector has taken significant action in recent years to improve the responsible use of antibiotics while researching potential alternatives, including ambient cold plasmas, which use laser-like devices to prevent and treat infections. Learn more here.

The state of global veterinary care

Pet ownership is rising globally, and more than half the world is estimated to have a pet at home. Access to veterinary care varies widely from market to market, and in developed countries, most veterinarians primarily treat small animals. Learn more about global trends in veterinary care.

Research Shows Owning This Type of Pet Could Extend Your Lifespan

Pet owners know those walks and cuddles come with feel-good benefits. Now, scientific studies show that pets are helping us live longer. If you have the privilege of sharing your home with a pet, you likely have anecdotal evidence that having a bond with a furry (or scaled, or feathered) companion comes with health perks. […]

Nation-wide operations help keep animals healthy

The imperative to keep animals healthy affects everyone, and our industry operates facilities across the country that develop, manufacture, and distribute animal medicines.

Dogs just know

Have you ever noticed your dog knows when you need cheering up? Research indicates that dogs intuitively know how to support people when they’re struggling, such as when they’re grieving. Learn more.

Animal medicines are tightly regulated

Before they can be manufactured or marketed, animal medicines are subject to the same rigorous approval processes as human medicines. Once approved, animal medicines remain heavily regulated and are subject to strict laws that protect animals, humans, and the environment. Watch more here.

Pets Are Like Family

Ninety-five percent of dog and cat owners consider their pets to be like members of the family. They rely on veterinary care and animal health products to keep their pets healthy.

Arthritis in dogs, a painful, progressive condition

Older dogs, large breeds, and overweight dogs are all prone to arthritis, a joint disease that results in pain, inflammation, decreased range of motion, and the development of bone spurs. While any joint in the body can develop osteoarthritis, the condition most commonly affects the limbs and lower spine. Symptoms are not often apparent until […]

Animal health is an economic driver

The total economic impact of the animal health industry includes the direct contributions of animal health manufacturers that operate in the U.S. plus activity generated by industries that rely on healthy animals, such as animal production, meat and dairy manufacturing, veterinary services, and pet services.