Economic Impact of the Animal Health Industry

As other industries struggled because of COVID-19 restrictions and supply chain disruptions, the animal health industry made gains propelled by the human-animal bond, increased global focus on zoonosis’s impact on public health and food security. With nearly $14 billion in sales of medicines at home and abroad, our industry directly supports 24,094 jobs and accounts […]

What Makes Dogs So Special? Love

Mark International Dog Day by learning about the source of our endearing relationships with dogs. A growing body of science points to one special canine trait that shapes their behavior: our beloved pups have a unique capacity to love.

The Fascinating History of the Bond Between Cats & Humans

A 2021 study found that the cat’s genomic structure is more similar to humans than nearly any other non-primate mammal. Learn about the evolution of the unique connection between cats and people.

Feline Asthma, a Progressive Condition with No Cure

If your cat wheezes, coughs, or hacks, it may have asthma. Symptoms can vary in intensity, ranging from acute respiratory crises to chronic, low-grade coughing, elevated respiratory rate, or increased respiratory effort.   Flare-ups can vary in intensity from mild to life threatening. Although cats can never be truly “cured” of asthma, by carefully monitoring […]

Tired of the Kitty Alarm in the Middle of the Night? Try This

Waking people up in the middle of the night just might be the least endearing cat behavior. The good news is that the overnight cat alarm clock can be reset.

Extra Cuddles for Your Cat on International Cat Day –but Cuddle Correctly!

It’s a bummer when you want to show your kitty extra love but it has other ideas. A quick refresher on the proper technique for holding your cat should help with those cuddles.

Pets Can Help Manage Human Mood

Mental health and mood disorders are increasingly in the headlines, and it’s long-established that pets can help. Research shows that pets can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and symptoms of trauma and PTSD.

We Protect the Health of Billions of Animals

The animal health industry serves nearly 400 million companion animals such as dogs, cats, service animals, and horses. We also protect the health of more than 10 billion food-producing animals like cattle, pigs, and chickens.

Your Dog’s Mental Health Needs

Much is made about the ways dogs can boost the mental health of their people. But dogs have emotional health needs too.

Congress Hears About the Importance of Healthy Animals to the Planet

The Animal Health Institute explains the connection between healthy animals and a healthy planet.