The best way to walk your dog

Walks are good for dogs and their owners, and it helps to approach walks with preparation and awareness of canine and human needs. Learn more.

Feline leukemia virus: what you need to know

Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is the leading cause of illness and death in cats, and it’s highly contagious to other cats. Learn about the virus, how it’s transmitted, and how it’s treated .

Another benefit of pets: less screen time for children

Research shows that children who have pets have more physical activity, have better sleep habits, and have less screen time. Learn more.

Parasites are an On-going Issue for Pets

Pet owners should remain vigilant to the threat of fleas, ticks, and worms in their pets. Some of these pests can be transferred to people, so controlling them is a matter of household health, not just pet care.

The superpowers of your dog’s nose

Dogs’ celebrated sense of smell does more than help them detect senses unavailable to humans. Noses are dogs’ window to the world, and their relationship with humans.

Globally, pet ownership is on the rise

Love of animals cuts across geographic and cultural boundaries, and pet ownership is rising around the world. Unsurprisingly, cats and dogs are the most popular pets. Learn more about global pet ownership trends from HealthforAnimals.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

  A preference for cats instead of dogs can say a lot about a person. Or not. The research about pet preferences actually raises compelling questions.

Why is my kitten sneezing?

  Watching your kitten sneeze is a cute and adorable sight, but excessive sneezing can signify a severe illness if left untreated, such as respiratory infection, asthma, or sinusitis. Learn about the causes of excessive sneezing and treatment.

Dog & Human Friendship is in the DNA

The connection between canines and humans runs deep – all the way to the genetic level. Learn about the science that explains why dogs are such great human companions.

Why Do Cats Knead?

  Kittens and grown cats may knead for different reasons, but the behavior is deeply rooted and intentional. Learn more.