Animal Healthcare Product Sales Stable in 2013
Media Contact: Ron Phillips: (202) 637-2440
Washington, D.C., January 14, 2015 – Spending by Americans on medicines used to protect the health of companion and farm animals was essentially unchanged in 2013 compared to 2012, not adjusted for inflation, according to figures released today by the Animal Health Institute.
Sales for medicines for pets and livestock combined totaled $7.5 billion. It is estimated that nearly 60 percent of the total are medicines for pets.
Sales in each of the three product categories – biologics, pharmaceuticals and feed additives – were unchanged. Three different federal agencies review animal health products: The U.S. Department of Agriculture reviews biologics; the Food and Drug Administration reviews pharmaceuticals; and the Environmental Protection Agency reviews flea and tick treatments.
“Virtually every American benefits from the use of these medicines on a daily basis,” said AHI President and CEO Alexander S. Mathews. “Pet owners are able to keep animals indoors and provide them with longer and healthier lives. Food consumers enjoy a healthier food supply because farmers and veterinarians have access to medicine to keep food animals healthy.”
Animal medicines are a critical tool used by veterinarians to keep pets and food animals healthy. Since some 60 percent of all known diseases are those that can pass between animals and humans, keeping animals healthy is a key to keeping humans healthy. For more information about the connection between animal health and human health, please visit
Raw sales data is collected by CEESA, a non-profit international association based in Belgium. CEESA collects sales data on the animal health market in Europe as well. Total sales for the entire U.S. animal health products industry is calculated based on projections made by CEESA and provided to AHI. Sales are for products priced at the manufacturer’s level. CEESA reporting companies represent 89 percent of the U.S. animal health products industry.
AHI represents the manufacturers of animal health products – the pharmaceuticals, vaccines and feed additives used in modern food production, and the medicines that keep pets healthy.